Saturday, August 13, 2011

Dear K

Dear K,
Remember the time when you were ten, we always told you that the world is a good place?
Well, like the fairy tales wee tell you, this is never the truth. That was always a figment of some muddle head's imagination. The world is and will always dominated by parasites,
Those blood sucking leeches who stick onto every window, vent or keyhole of a chance to maximize their happiness at the cost of others.
It is a man-eat-man world now.
To compete on their terms, you need to inculcate a lot of qualities, that you are still unaware of.
This is the world of the Selfish. Self centered people rule it. You will always be an outsider.

K, I will tell you about the most talked about thing by us disillusioned mob. Love. It is Love. Love is the most overrated emotion that you will come across in this world.
We will continue to portray Love as the best feeling that you will come across in your lifetime. We will convince you someday very soon into loving someone with tacky messages reading- If you haven't loved, you haven't lived.
You know how the soft drink generation was trapped into becoming the I pod youth. Please do not fall into this trap. Just go pick a marker and strike this out, K. 
Trust me on this one.

With Love, there will come another of the virtues of this world, that you still need to work upon, K. That is called Ego. Without ego, you are just a sitting duck. They will blow your brains off with their eyes shut. They will slaughter and feed you to their dogs. Without ego, you would just be a puppet in their hands.

They will also lure into believing something called a Pure Love- as the only thing comparable to  LSD. But please do stay off from either of LSD or the more potent Pursuit of love. I tell you, friendship is much more easier to find, manage and derive happiness out of than the so called true love. This trait has consistently beaten the biggest enemy of mankind-ego.
While I continue this sacrilege on the LSD comparable, try not to fall into any trap and stay clear of these muggles.
You are the magic woman, K.
They will cling onto you till they suck the life out of you.
They shall seek to trample you with a force that would only keep multiplying.
They would never let the rest of the world believe that a person, such as you existed amongst the same filth that me and the others live in.
Selfless, harmless, innocent unbridled Unicorn is a peril that we muggles have zero toleration for.
We will fight you.
We may not win today or tomorrow.
But someday, we are gonna get to you.
Because we are just unstoppable parasites.

PS 4 hours of sleep in the last 48 hours can create such spurts in entropy.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

You know how I got these scars?

[Lights up a cig..]
Well, very much unlike Harry Potter or the Joker, these weren't developed in a day. These are a result of the happenings around that have left their indelible impressions.

It was an hour past midnight. I was taking a walk with a female friend of mine in Bombay after a good dinner at The Peking Tom. All this delight gave me my new found love for "clean" Fridays (without booze/fag).
Well, you know how time flies when good things happen. It is always because tonnes of shit is just awaiting you round the corner. An hour passed by. Out of nowhere, this dickhead comes along trying to shove the girl. But quick thinking from her end else a case of target missed by him saved her the discomfort.This jerk, takes a U turn, all the while pretending to be on a call, comes back, from what it looked like, tried to seize her from behind me, where she, suspecting foul play took shelter in. I was aghast. I could not make a move.
Did I ever not watch all this eve-teasing shit in the movies? Probably yes. But nothing had struck me so hard.


Is this the respect that the fairer sex deserve?
What invites it? I bet it wasn't the lady's attire.
What fucking right have you got to have a go at a lady?
Did it owe to the fact that these jerks outnumbered us that night?
Did the outnumbering justify my inaction?
Given a choice, now, I'd literally shoot him with a shot gun-Pulp Fiction style.

[And the chain smoking continues..]

It pains me so much to imagine the mindset of this bastard. Was that incident a vindication that he had the balls to molest anyone at his will?

I wish, a la Taxi Driver, they wash this scum off the roads. It stinks.
I wish, instead of punching walls and wardrobes, I had hit the jerk where it hurt him the most and made him regret all his life.
If a mere attempt at molestation, had such a deep impact, I shudder with the thought of worse things that have happened to women.
What goes through a recipient's mind? To be forced upon.. To be helpless... Spare a thought...
Yours truly signs off with all the unanswerable questions, anguish and deep guilt.

PS Writing has never been rustier.. Darn!