Monday, February 11, 2013


You know some words suddenly keep expressing themselves in myriad ways, both implicitly and explicitly. At this juncture, the term outliving has suddenly started to speak to me.
I consider this true in three major discussions.
Sachin, Apple Inc and relationships.
When my bro-in-law, who prides himself as a Steve Jobs fan, was fanatically trying to get me agree that Apple isn't done yet, I was wondering if I can explain to him with an analogy. Its the same story with Sachin's fanboys. Both cannot agree that their God/faith/religion, whatever you might want to refer it to, is finished.
I do agree, Apple is much better placed that Tendulkar and it being a firm and hence practically an unlimited life time so to speak, it will certainly bounce back or the probability at least is higher.
Apple is coming out with a cheaper I phone as we speak and it might turn its fortunes. Even if it does, this isn't the Apple that we knew of.
Jobs' firm was unique. It catered to a niche segment of the market. The fundamental difference between Jobs and Gates' firms, to put it very blatantly at the risk of a flawed understanding is between quality and quantity.
Jobs' vision was to create a dent in this universe and I think Gates was pretty happy with creating a ubiquity of his brand more than a niche. He wanted quantity, he wanted numbers, he wanted more PC users than Mac users, simply put.

Coming to relationships and specifically those which outlive their life expectancy, when do you know that it is dead? Do you resuscitate it, keep it on a life support and hope it gets back on track, or just be a mute spectator and watch it struggle till its last breath? And in the end, do you just say, life or death of it, was the deserving winner of the bout?
But then, even the best of relationships do go through a comatose don't they? To do or not to do might be the most common cliché anyone would come across. I'd say, Life is a cliché if that's your vantage point.

PS: I have taken the life support out for now. I shall mutely watch the bout. May resolve win over death.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Currently reading a blog on Zen habits. Trying to pick up all the good things mentioned. Minimalism, sticking to habits, writing everyday-even if that means a sentence a day, rising early, staying fit and also something on how savouring food helps us eat less.
With all due credit to the habits, I'd say all these habits mentioned aren't something we have hear d for the first time.
But then that's the beauty of our lives. We punish our mind, body, soul, push them into a corner and torment them till they finally give up or if strong retort.

Why? Why do we make such earnest efforts to go against ourselves.
My life would include smoking, relationship woes as the most predominant occurrences in the physical and mental spheres.

I have no answers, though I honestly seek one.


I am always wired. I can picture it as a press conference where I'm facing a swarm of people and I'm dying to get my views across. Worse comes next. Assume that right next to you, your friend is also holding one such meet. Another beside him. And so on. Few of you will overhear and interject you- they are obviously closer to you, physically in this context and metaphorically otherwise.
In this mash up of opinions, comments, likes, check ins, tweets, retweets, what is the end result? How much have you filtered, digested and gained out of this whole exercise?
Sure, this is supposedly social networking. And yes, I wish to be a recluse now.
I intend to get off the dias, do away with the mike set, shut my ears off others' views and stay in my own world.
Is that as scary as it sounds? I'm heading to find out.
Hoping one serene morning walk through the woods in solitude kind of an experience.

PS - It triggered with a Zen post about lesser networking and the very same day, observing how my colleague couldn't talk to me without taking her gaze off her phone.

Market news- 1

You just can't let go an opportunity like today! Been cursing myself since the time I saw gold price shoot up today.
Clearly, investors had nowhere to go, with bad news from Europe- Rajoy's charges, Australia, HTC, Hitachi bad news pouring in, they would have turned to gold and I missed this wave!!
I've made three mistakes in my short, exciting stock market stint mostly borne losses.
1. Sold off a stock as soon as price dropped by a bit more than what I was expecting. While I knew there was good news in the offing and would definitely take the price upwards- Jet.
2. Holding on to another worthless stock and never selling it off though its past its green zone. Its now languishing at 10% red- Unitech.
3. Today's mistake of missing out on Gold!

Learning in case you are still dreary at 9am, just have a look at the Asian markets, if flat, go back to sleep, else time for some action!1