Wednesday, February 6, 2013


I am always wired. I can picture it as a press conference where I'm facing a swarm of people and I'm dying to get my views across. Worse comes next. Assume that right next to you, your friend is also holding one such meet. Another beside him. And so on. Few of you will overhear and interject you- they are obviously closer to you, physically in this context and metaphorically otherwise.
In this mash up of opinions, comments, likes, check ins, tweets, retweets, what is the end result? How much have you filtered, digested and gained out of this whole exercise?
Sure, this is supposedly social networking. And yes, I wish to be a recluse now.
I intend to get off the dias, do away with the mike set, shut my ears off others' views and stay in my own world.
Is that as scary as it sounds? I'm heading to find out.
Hoping one serene morning walk through the woods in solitude kind of an experience.

PS - It triggered with a Zen post about lesser networking and the very same day, observing how my colleague couldn't talk to me without taking her gaze off her phone.

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